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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I am really bad at these things....
Caterpillar over at Musings and Confessions of a Wandering Mind gave me an award a bit ago.
This is awesome!!
According to her post...I need to share five random things about myself and pass it on to five deserving blogger..so here goes nothing
1) I really want to be a runner.....the kind that runs marathons and stuff....those of you who know me in real life know this is the furthest thing from what I am...but I have invested in a treadmill and am determined to run my first 5K next year.
2) I hate horror movies but am fascinated by them at the same time....luckily for me my hubby doesn't like them so I very rarely need to watch them
3) I believe that every single day is a gift which is meant to be treasured.  We have a limited time on this earth to make a difference and every single day I want to be able to sit down and know that one person was positively affected by me.
4) I have four and a half cats.  Four of them my hubby brought home with him nine years ago when they were only a week and a half old.  They were found on a job site that he was working on.  They were like having children- you fed them and had to make them go to the bathroom and you were up with them crying every two hours.  There were times that I felt like I just finished feeding the last one and the first one was eating again. EDIT: the half a cat is the outside cat that has moved in...I am not willing to claim her completely yet....
5) I love getting lost in a book and find it way easier to get lost in a book than in a movie.

Five deserving blog recipients:
Skippy- over at I Make Soap- she keeps her blog down to earth and real.
Tina- My Day- she's going through a huge struggle but is still trying every single day to make things better for herself.  She is an inspiration
Hed- Hed Above Water- her blog is as real as it gets...
Teresa- The Middle Side of Life- she's been dealt a tough hand and deals with it with grace and dignity.
Thisisme- Southshamsdarling- always nice to hear from the other side of the pond

So that's it and I apologize for being remiss in passing this on....wish I could give it to everyone that I read because I feel that you all add so much to my life.

PS- I can't figure out how to save the awards I receive to a sidebar...if anyone has any ideas for me I would love them....thanks!


  1. Hey! I'm on there! Thanks!!!

    Quick question though: How do you have "four and a half cats"???


  2. Congrats to 5 of my very favorite people. Actually 6 including you Nic.

  3. Thank you so much sweetheart. Conrats to you! Very nice :) and deserving to you - I love your smiles - they make all our days! :D

    I think I know how to do to put it in the sidebar- did it on mine, somehow! - I will try and email you with the details if someone hasn't already

  4. thanks for the award! love the 1/2 cat reference. maybe i can say i have 1/2 dog... she's actually ron's but thinks i'm her human.

    i feel the same way about books. trouble is, i haven't had time to sit down and read one for a long time. my kids bought me a Nook last year and it had lots of trouble working; they finally sent me a new battery. i've yet to purchase a book for it though.

  5. Gosh, I'm on the list as well, Col!! That's awesome! Thank you so much for that. I shall have to get busy now thinking of those 5 random things!! Congratulations on your Award - you really deserve it.

  6. Congratulations girl, you really deserve it.
