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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 15: Someone or something I couldn't live with out

I couldn't live without many people in my life.  My hubby, my mom, my dad etc. but if you've been reading, you already know that :)
One thing I couldn't live without...my camera.
I have been through several different cameras in the past few years, and honestly I am not picky about what camera I have (although I have been drooling for some time over the Cannon digital SLR's).
I love having a camera with me- and I do at all times.  I have one that fits in my purse and I carry it with me always.  You never know when you will pass something that you want to take a picture of.  I take pictures constantly.   A portion of them are good pictures...most of them aren't.
To capture a moment- whether it be the kids laughing, the fall leaves, the sunset, the sunrise, a building or animal is an amazing task.

Finding and capturing a shot can take planning or can be presented right in front of you.  I am the one who is always trying to get that different angle- different picture.  It allows me an outlet for my creativity that I desperately need- .  I wouldn't ever live without my camera....and I am glad that I am able to document the details in my life..


  1. Super shots - all very different. I liked the shoe one! When you're a blogger, it's essential to always carry a camera with you, even if it's only the one on your mobile phone, which I have been using a lot lately.

  2. great pictures! love the shoe and the bottles.

  3. Wow those are awesome Nic. What a great eye. I love the spur of the moment pictures. I wanted to take a pic of something at lunch today outdoors and my battery was dead. Remember to charge the battery!!!!

  4. Great pictures and it shows the amazing talent you have. Keep the good stuff coming.

  5. Love the pictures!
    I'm the same way!!!
    That's why I mention my stupid broken camera so much in my blog, because it really has been hard living without a good camera! Taking pictures is really therapeutic for me I think :)

  6. I'm a day late-I love your pictures! For Christmas I was asking for a new camera...but I got a plane ticket instead. I made a new blog www.hedabovewater.com (clever huh), and was hoping I could plead with you to follow it, as I plan to shut down my Hed Down Under by the end of the year. More pics please!

    Hed hed above water
