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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Today i woke up at some hour of the morning that individuals shouldn't be awake after barely sleeping at all and drove to the airport and got on an airplane.  The flight was uneventful.  It was a solid hour of reading a book that I have been trying to get to for months now.  Walking through the airport, looking at all of the gates, seeing the exotic places that people were going, I was completely happy with where I was.  I met my mom and got that smile, the hug and knew that home is about where the people are who love you--not your physical location.  We are getting ready to go see my sister with the bags of clothes that I have for her kids.  I have a date with my brother tonight....we haven't spent quality time together in a million years....we are going to see a show....I can't wait.  I am happy and content and this place, these people feed my heart and soul in a way that no one else can. Plus, I get to hold a new baby today....and hug and squeeze the kids and for a minute, have all the time I want with them....life is good today.


  1. I'll say! Hope you have a spectacular weekend. Hug your Mom extras for me, 'kay?

  2. Sounds wonderful :) Have a great time!

  3. It sure sounds like life is good. I'm happy for you!

  4. Hi there, I'd love to have you follow my blog. Please send me your e-mail address at unknowndieter@gmail.com or ask for permission via Blogger.
