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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

List of the week

This has been a crazy, insane, long week.  So crazy and insane that this is the first night I have been home for dinner with my husband.  There are a couple of things that have made me smile this week:
Drinks with my boss after a LONG day
Dinner with my hubby tonight
He brought home my favorite beer this week...and I am enjoying my first one now
Feeling like I am accomplishing something at work
new followers and discovering new blogs
a short day at work and a pedicure
a weekend at home in my pj's this weekend
snuggling with my kitties in the morning
Nice long hot showers after a long day of work


  1. I would smile too. Sounds lovely. What kind of beer is it? I love imported beers. Heineken, Stella Artois, Becks, Fosters, Killians Red. Oh I'm heading to the fridge now. Why the heck not!

  2. Barb-
    it's actually shipyard pumpkinhead. I am not one for seasonal ale but I love the fall ales. My hubby was doing some construction work at one of the breweries up here and brought a six pack home and a couple of growlers.

  3. The name alone is worth trying it for. I've never heard of it but ladies who love a good beer rock!!!

  4. I don't like beer... but it's still a great list :)

  5. [And you still rock Tina :)]

    I love your lists - I keep telling myself I will make one - I always smile when I head over here, because YES we all have at least one smile a day I am sure - and you always have a bunch. So great.

  6. I agree- Tina you still rock!!
    Barb- it's a Maine brewery....it tastes like fall...
    Skippy- thanks! You make me smile everyday too...
