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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hurricanes earthquakes and skunks

Apparently the world is trying to tell us something.
This morning started with a mad dash to rearrange plane flights for Vegas this weekend.  I was flying from Maine to Charlotte to vegas.  Well good 'ole Al Roper had my mother in a panic this morning cause the hurricane iswas supposed to hit North Carolina early Saturday morning.  So my father, in France, was rearranging plane flights first thing this morning....it was afternoon for him..but still.
So we get all that settled and then there's the earthquake.  I felt up here in Portland.  Thought that I was going crazy because my desk started shaking.  Nothing like what they felt down in DC but freaky.  Talked to my mom and she and everyone else is doing okay.  Stuff fell in the China cabinet and they are a little freaked out..but all is okay.
Tonight, after running to Wally World to replace the duffel bag that my wonderful cats peed in, I get home, have a nice dinner with my hubby and then go outside once he goes to bed to talk to my mom.  A skunk wanders out from under my porch and jumps ever so gracefully onto the porch and starts eating the cat food....for twenty minutes.  Fun times I tell you.  I  managed to get inside once it skittered away into the garage.
I am thinking that it might not have been such a good idea to put this hair dye in my hair tonight :)
I hope that everyone made it through the earthquake in one piece and that all is quiet for a little while.  I am starting to think that I might hear Chicken Little sometime in the next day or so telling us the sky is falling.
Stay safe all my friends out there.  Hopefully the earthquakes are over and maybe Irene will veer out to sea and no one will feel the effects of her....one can hope anyway right?
Love and lots of hugs out to the universe for each and everyone of you!!


  1. I don't mean to giggle, but the picture in my head of you sitting on the back porch when a skunk just hops up and starts to chow cracks me up! Thank you, I needed that. Glad that he didn't do anything icky, but, sorry...sorry still giggling.

    I am glad your parents are okay. That earthquake was freaky weird. I thought dogs were supposed to warn us? Not so much. heehee

    I am pretty sure Irene is going to blown out to sea before it causes too much damage to the Carolinas. But I will be thinking of you. Have fun in Vegas!

  2. it has been interesting here on the east coast hasn't it. but oh my a skunk on your porch it be my luck the stinker would spray me for fun. safe travels my dear.

  3. I had a dream about a skunk the other night. it wasn't a fun dream, either. i bet the sight of it eating your cat's food was a bit freaky.

    glad you're all ok. have a safe and fun trip.

  4. Don't think I would want a close encounter with one of those stinky creatures. They are fun to look at on a video or something but in person, no. Hope as far as the weather goes I hope it happens like I have seen it in the past. The weather men talk it to death and then nothing really happens. And they get paid big bucks for that. Go Figure!!
