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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday's List

I think we've all sprouted webbed feet and are quacking these days....the sun hasn't been out since last Friday...a little bit crazy..but at least I don't have to water the plants right?
This has been a crazy week for me- catch up again at work and after a lack of sleep last weekend it's always hard to get back into the swing of things...
Smiles this week?
Hubby started his new job..and I can honestly see the weight of the world lifted off his shoulders.  It's amazing how much of a difference that makes for him.  The new job is going well and he's like a little kid with stars in his eyes- remember that feeling every year on the first day of school?  that excitement and anticipation- that's what he's like right now...it is a good change for him..
I made goal for the month at work...which is nice.  Nice to know that I am already there and the rest is just gravy.
We got new phones last night.  Hubby has always used his company phone and we decided that wasn't such a good idea with this new job and I was eligible for an upgrade so we both got new phones....the best part...adding him to the plan and tweaking things a bit isn't going to cost me one penny more than what I was paying on my own....so nice...plus we can cancel the landline now and just use our cell phones.
I am looking forward to the weekend- very low key- putting on pj's when I get home tomorrow after work and not getting dressed until monday at 6am.  I need to sort through bills and laundry but we are turning off cell phones and just enjoying a low key weekend..
I've missed you guys!  I kept meaning to write and then I would go to bed and have posts running through my head and wake up in the morning and completely forget what i was thinking...I have been reading and not commenting- sorry about that.hopefully I can get back into the swing of things this weekend.
And for all of you who asked- i don't have a single picture from the party- I was too busy running around being a hostess to take a single one:(  I am hoping that someone else took pictures and is going to send them to me....
Sending whispers of sweet dreams and lots of positive thoughts your way....hopefully you have some sunshine- and hey- when it's raining there are an awful lot of puddles to jump in!! hugs to you all!!


  1. That sounds like a wonderful weekend ahead of you - pure relaxation! It will do you good after all the activity of last weekend. I'm so pleased that hubby is so happy with his new job. Isn't that great? Great that you made your goals at work - so, all in all, a good week! I love your comment "sending whispers of sweet dreams and lots of positive thoughts your way!" Beautiful. Have a lovely weekend and I hope that the sun will be shining for you at last!

  2. I think you live in my neighborhood! heehee - we have had the exact same weather and it looks like it is going to continue for a few more days. Well, at least everything is green, green, green! And we have no flooding or damage, so it's all good!

    I am so happy for your hubs - nothing like a good job that you enjoy to take the stress off of you. YAY! That is such great news.

    Have a nice, relaxing, quiet, FUN! weekend.
    See ya on the flipside! Hugs and love

  3. You know what they say...May showers bring....mud!

  4. NC has been bright and sunny most day so I hope you get some of the same very soon. I also hope this weekend will be all you want it to be and get really rested. Smiles & ((HUGS)) to you.

  5. If your man is like mine he needs a job, I am married to a workaholic and he does not like to be out of work. I am glad he is happy with his new job work isn't a chore if you enjoy it.

    Sounds like a great weekend ahead for you I love to have weekends when I do not have to do much except sit around blogging and watching telly.

  6. that is so nice! we both have cell phones but i have to have a landline to send in pacemaker "interrogations" so we got the "bundle" and it's practically free that way.

    congrats on hubster and his new job.

  7. sounds like a beautiful weekend and so happy that hubby loves his new job. hugs

  8. Enjoy your relaxing weekend. We've had great weather all week until today. Supposed to be nice tomorrow and Sunday. I'm sending you warmth and sun! So happy for hubby's new job. That's just awesome.
