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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday's List..

Another week coming to an end...
It was another crazy one...
hubby accepted a new job on monday with a different company.  He's been at the same job for 11 years so this is a big deal.  I am hoping that it will  be less stress for him and make him happier...
In the meantime, he's super crabby and snapping at me for everything...the joys of marriage..
it was an insane week at work...
I am almost caught up...
I am still working on getting there...but hopefully by the end of the day tomorrow I will be there..
My boss and I are having drinks tomorrow night to "discuss my career path"...promises to be fun.
That's really all I have tonight...
except that you should all go check out the latest post by Lyndylou at The Giggle Fest....it really spoke to me today and put into words some very familiar feelings.
Sending positive vibes and lots of smiles out to the universe tonight to all of you!!


  1. Tomorrow will be a great day for you. I'm insisting on it!! Hope hubby finds some peace in his new job. Hugs to you my friend!

  2. Hope today is a better day for you and hubby chills a bit over the weekend :)

  3. I agree with you about lyndylou's post, and it was interesting for me to read that you related to it on such a personal level. I guess hubby is feeling a bit stressed about the new job, but that doesn't make it any easier for you. I'm willing it to work out for both of you! Try to have a relaxing weekend.

  4. Speaking from experience I know what moving to another job late in life is like. I do wish him the best with much less stress and you could use some peace to girl. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Positive thoughts my friend! I am sure hubs is just a bit worried about the new job and you are the closest to him, so...and your "career path" talk will be nothing but onward and upward. :) I have no doubt.

    Lyndy's post was so moving. True.

  6. glad to hear your husband is getting a better job that's less stresful. happy to hear your almost caught on work as well. have a wonderful weekend
