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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More snow, ice and a trip

It has been snowing here again....combined with ice and there is a mess out there....but that's okay...winter up here I guess.
I am sick again....I am all stuffy and really feel kinda gross so I have stocked up on lots of OTC medications and some more solution for my netti pot. A side not about my netti pot- I LOVE it!!  I bought it last year and although the thought of it made me a bit squeemish it is the only thing that helps the pressure in my head when I get all stuffy like this.
I leave tomorrow for a business trip...just going down to Boston for a few days...it's our national sales meeting...it is usually a pretty good time.  We are going to the hockey game tomorrow night.  I don't like hockey.  I have never liked hockey.  I grew up in a town that was at the heyday of hockey and still don't like it.  However, tomorrow night we will be at what some are calling the game of the year.  I am still not really looking forward to it.
Other than that....it's been a crazy week as always.  I am ready for a vacation- ready to go away.  But still a few months left til that happens.  At least it's something to look forward to.


  1. I went to a semi-pro hockey game once...in Gerogia, of all places...had no idea what was going on in the game but the fights were entertaining! Hope ya feel better soon

  2. Feel better and enjoy youself. Be safe!

  3. hope your trip is fun and not miserable. i use netti bottle. love it - twice a day in bad season times (or illness) and daily most of the other times. it help immensely. like you, i was nervous about it and sometimes i really have to talk myself into doing it. but it feels so much better afterwards.

  4. Dress warm for the game and feel better soon sweetie.

    Safe trip.

  5. Yep vacations are something to look forward to. Ours won't be until probably june. I don't care for hockey either so I feel your pain. Enjoy the change of scenery.

  6. Feel better quickly so you can enjoy your trip.

  7. Have fun on your trip! (I work for an allergist so I know folks who love the netti pot:-)
