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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Monday, February 21, 2011

day off and a minute to breathe

I am currently enjoying a day off in my very messy house in my pjs.  I opted out of a pedicure and a massage cause it's freezing out here and I don't want to go anywhere.  So I am spending the day catching up on the shows on my DVR and just kinda chillin.  I have a paper to write but am procrastinating on that and on cleaning the house.  We spent the weekend up north again for the nephew's blue and gold dinner.  My nephew had hockey yesterday and my sister in law and I took my oldest nephew to see a movie yesterday....we had a good time.
Work has been insane...just makes me tired..
However, just for today, for the next five hours I am ignoring the outside world.  I am sitting on my couch, in my pjs, playing too many facebook games, catching up on all of those shows that I enjoy watching that I haven't been around to watch.  So nice to just have a day that I don't have to worry about work..worry about anything at all- just tune out the world...I may not be able to stop the world and get off...but this is awfully close...