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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feels like the end of the universe sometimes..

Ever have that feeling that you are on another planet
That those you love are hundreds of miles away..
Never close enough to be there when they need you
Always wishing for a quick cup of coffee...
Bite to eat...
Or late night chat
Having to settle for a phone call
Comforting words over the phone
Instead of the hugs you wish you could give...
A couple of hours by plane...
but too expensive to jump on a plane tomorrow
I wish that teleporting had been invented..
Even the ice cream isn't helping tonight...
because I so desperately want to be there
Want to jump on a plane and give you a hug
Reassure you that you aren't doing this by yourself...
But for now..I will be here when you call
Laugh with you
Cry with you
Remind you that I love you...
I know you tell me that it's enough...
but I don't believe you...
If I may...thoughts and prayers for my best friend and her parents...her grandmother is not doing well...she is in a coma and they expect she will pass tonight.

i know that I have been absent from here lately....Things are just crazy right now...
Hugs and love to all of you...


  1. I hate that helpless feeling as much as you do sweetie but at the same time I know that I serve a God that is much bigger than any problem I or my friends can face and trust Him to keep a tight reign on whatever is going on. Love and hugs coming to you.

  2. Hugs hope things get better for you and your friend x

  3. It is hard Col, I understand. But I am sure your best friend feels you there with her. And knows you are only a phone call away.

    Sending you hugs across the miles. I hope you feel better soon my friend.

  4. I'm sorry to hear this Nic. It is hard when you can't be there in person but it truly helps the family that you're there in spirit. Sending hugs and love to you my friend!
