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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Deposit in the karma bank

Ever have one of those days....
Nothing in particular goes wrong...
but everything feels off?
Where everything is status quo...
but that doesn't feel good enough.
Those are the days...
when everything is fine but not quite right...
that I feel it's necessary to put a deposit in the karma bank.
When you do something...big or small....that makes someone elses day..
Whether it's a simple smile to someone who is obviously having a bad day...
Entertaining an upset baby at the check out so their parent can swipe a card...
Picking up a spilled bag of groceries
Picking up someone elses check at a restaurant...
helping an old lady get something off a high shelf..
mowing part of your neighbors lawn...
Letting someone go first at a stop sign..
Something that puts someone else's needs above what is going on in your head at the moment.
It's like that insurance commercial where someone sees someone else doing something nice and decides to take a minute and do something nice for someone in return...
That's a deposit in the karma bank...
and whether that deposit becomes available for your use...or for someone else's...
it takes  your mind off whatever is the center of your world for a minute and puts the focus on someone else...
for just a minute...
and just maybe...
that karma will come back around to you...
Throw out the goodness to the world....it's gonna help someone.

1 comment:

  1. You have no idea how much I believe in this - not Karma so much [as that is a Buddhist belief and a nice one, but still some Karma is considered bad and I don't like that aspect] BUT those kind of simple acts bring me instant happiness because I LIKE helping others and I am in no rush to be anywhere and it doesn't hurt to lend a helping hand, ever.

    I especially like your suggestion to help a Mom with a fussy toddler. So many people moan about rotten kids in the grocery store [and true a lot of parents DO need to take their tantrum-y spawn home] but mostly the babies are tired and their Mommas are stressed and one smile, wave or giggle can stop the lil' guy in his tracks.

    In my case the mask I have to wear fascinates most kids and they'll stop crying to just stare at me until I pull it down quicklike and smile at them. I get A LOT of fun smiles doing that. hee

    Makes me smile thinking of all the nice things you suggested. Great post Col. This is why I love you so much. xo
