A few years ago, I told you the story of a priest and a nun
falling in love (Angel Wings)…
Sadly, the nun met her maker before the priest…but theirs
was a love story for the ages.
Well, yesterday, the priest got his angel wings as he
departed this world to join his nun.
His journey after she passed was not an easy one, as it apt
to happen when you lose the love of your life.
He succumbed to Parkinson's after a long battle in hospice.
So, while he will be missed in this world, knowing that
there is another angel looking out for us brings a small modicum of comfort.
Knowing that he is back in her arms, spending eternity
together, brings comfort as well.
Another angel got his wings this week too…
He was young…a college friend, who also married his college
A horrible disease swooped in and claimed him within six
Leaving behind his lovely wife and two adorable children to
make sense of a life that they never dreamed of
His presence was huge and his smile lit up a room…he will be
missed by all that had contact with him.
As the emotional chaos threatens to darken the outside,
finding solace becomes necessary for survival.
The arms that pull me close at night create pinholes to let
the light come through…
They make the darkness less scary…less all encompassing…reminding
me that no matter the chaos, there is always an island of calm within reach to
take a break for a moment.
I'm so sorry to hear of this young man losing his battle. So sad. This was truly beautifully written Nic. Hugs XX