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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Amazing night

I have kicked off my shoes,
Taken the bobby pins out of my hair,
and taken out the earrings that were dangling from my ears...
I spent yesterday evening shopping for the perfect dress with my husband..
and today running around, trying to find the perfect earrings to go with the dress I bought last night...
Getting my hair done
getting my nails done
finding that ever elusive perfect red lipstick
putting on makeup
Struggling to put on panty hose
finding a bracelet
making sure I could still walk in heels
straightening a bow tie
Going to an event where everyone seemed to know every one
being taken under someone's wing and being introduced around...
Witnessing a ceremony that I am not sure I entirely understood
being hugged and kissed on the cheeks by some very nice older men
and watching my husband honor his grandfather in a very personal way and starting down a path, following in his grandfather's footsteps.
Getting a bit choked up as he took an oath to honor their ways
As an officer who was appointed to his post
Knowing his grandfather did the same thing so many many years ago..
Being a supportive wife, even though there are things about this group that he can't share with me.
Knowing how much this means to him,
knowing that he does this for someone, who I never had the privilege of meeting, to honor him and his memory.
Then hanging out with those same people,
enjoying just one glass of wine.
Talking about fundraising
making jokes
Tonight David, a year after joining, became an officer at his Masonic Lodge.
And although my feet hurt,
My head is a bit sore from the bobby pins
and I can't wait to get this makeup off my face,
I have never been prouder of him and his commitment to this
And I will do everything i can to support him in this.
I just love a man in a tuxedo...even more so when it is tails...and especially because he's all mine..

End of the night, but I love this picture (and my dress...I really did feel amazing tonight in this)

Hugs and love to you all!


  1. Hi Col. What a lovely descriptive piece today. You and hubby look very grand and beautiful! I can imagine how proud you were of your hubby, and how wonderful that he was following in his granddad's footsteps like that. My dad, too, was in the Masonic Lodge.

  2. You both look gorgeous all dressed up and what a wonderful special night for hubby.
