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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Friday, October 12, 2012


It has been an insane day.
I have finally let go of the breath that I have been holding for three days.
You want to know why??
I am leaving for vacation tomorrow.
I know I told you all that for my mom's birthday I bought a trip for the two of us to Jamaica and this is the week.
So tomorrow, I leave behind my dearest husband who is going to keep the kitties company and fly to Maryland to spend a couple of days with my mom and then we, with my brother and his boyfriend, leave on Monday.
The weekend will be running around to pick up last minute stuff, getting our nails done and spending time together...
I am really excited that I am able to do this for her...and I am excited to have some alone time with her!!
Have fun this week and make sure to remember the smiles that you are blessed with every day!! Hugs and lots of love to you all!!


  1. This is so exciting. Have an amazing time with your Mom.
    Big hugs right back

  2. Jamaica?! How wonderful and how I envy you. Wonderful that you are going to spend this time with your mum. I'm sure you will have a very special time, and with your brother and his boyfriend to. Happy times and you must be very excited! Hugs and safe travels.
