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Trying to remember that there is always a reason, always something that makes you smile during the day- recognizing the event, person or situation that made you smile will make your day seem that much better.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Rollercoaster Ride

In a different state
Spending time with friends who you don't see everyday.
Adjusting to being somewhere else
The good times
The not so good times
Sleeping in different beds
Spending time without hubby
Spending a lot of time with him
snuggling kids
giving hugs
renewing my soul
renewing my heart
snuggling with the kitties
driving here
driving there
gearing up
running around
the rollercoaster ride of life seems unending and my body is telling me it's time to slow down...for just minute..
But it's a ride you can't get off..
For now, I enjoy the slower parts...because in a few weeks, we will be going up a steep hill and going down, around and upside down again...
I love the summer...but the rollercoaster ride I am on for the summer...the steep hills, the loops, the slow parts and the fast parts....it doesn't last long up here....so I plan on taking advantage of every single minute.


  1. Hi Col. And so you should, take advantage of every single moment!! Make the most of all of it, for it will all be over far too soon. I hope you're keeping well over there and taking care of yourself. Hugs.

  2. sounds wonderfully busy and exciting. Enjoy the ride my friend
    Hugs xx
